Bansuri henna cone
Bansuri henna cone

bansuri henna cone

#Bansuri henna cone skin#

Another city-based doctor, Sunil Tolat, said, "Natural mehendi is unlikely to cause skin reaction, but the mixture of black mehendi with the natural can cause allergic reactions." "I get ready-made mehendi cones from a local manufacturer. The presence of additional chemicals in mehendi can damage the skin and can also cause redness, itching, blistering of the skin areas," said dermatologist Vinay Kulkarni. Para-phenylenediamine is a chemical that is used by manufacturers to make the imprint of mehendi darker. "Mehendi can cause an allergy if chemicals are mixed in it. City doctors further affirmed the ill-effects of the ready-made mehendi cones.

bansuri henna cone

"As a precautionary measure, consumers should buy only those cones which carry manufacturer's name and address," he said. The presence of the chemical in mehendi cones was brought to Pathak's notice by a local manufacturer. The chemical may cause itching, body ache, restlessness, etc," Pathak said. "Some people are very sensitive to this chemical and the prolonged use of it can prove fatal. Also, the natural oils are being replaced with white oil to give a dark colour. PPD is also used in printing and photocopying inks. The chemical is a common ingredient in permanent hair dye products, as well as dyes for fabrics, fur and dark makeup. Due to paucity of time, people have been buying mehendi cones from the market rather then preparing them at home." Several manufacturers, he said, were now using the concoction of PPD in mehendi cones. Founder-member of Akhil Bharatiya Grahak Panchayat, Suryakant Pathak, told TOI: "Lawsonia (the botanical name for mehendi) consists of a principal colouring compound named Lawsone, which reacts with the skin and imparts a dark red colour to it. However, consumer activists and dermatologists would have you choose a mehendi cone with caution given the presence of harmful chemicals like para-phenylenediamine (PPD) in the mixture, which could lead to strong skin reactions. PUNE: The colourful mehendi cones may well be the flavour of the season, what with the festive occasion of Nag Panchami round the corner.

Bansuri henna cone